Management consultancy
A company’s structure determines its success

How well is your company positioned to meet day-to-day market challenges? Are you agile enough to take advantage of new opportunities quickly? Does your organisation have the best possible structure from a tax management perspective?
Management consultancy
That covers everything from the ideal legal form for your organisation(s) up to the internal structuring of its individual departments: The right structure can play a large part in a company's economic success.
CAMINADA ZÜRICH is an expert external partner that can provides you with a useful external perspective. We work with you to analyse your organisation and create an overview of its strengths and weaknesses. Depending on your strategic objectives, we draw up an action plan that puts your company in the best possible position to overcome the challenges it faces, from the opportunities presented by digitisation to the rapid development of logistics and mobility to the changes in HR working models: CAMINADA ZÜRICH has experienced specialists – both in-house and in our extensive network – for all the relevant areas that characterise the corporate world of today and tomorrow.