Each audit is based on trust

For more than ten years, the requirement to have external audits has been based on size and economic importance of the company rather than its legal form.
This statutory auditing obligation need not be seen as a hindrance, as it can also present opportunities for a company. In addition to examining whether your annual financial statements comply with the legal requirements, the articles of association and the accounting standards adopted by the company, an opinion may be issued about the efficacy of internal processes and controls based on certain pre-defined functional tests. Based on that opinion, we will then be able to propose solutions to optimise the processes that will help your company to move forward.
The law imposes high requirements on auditors who are required to be independent and objective. At CAMINADA ZÜRICH, audits are only performed by auditing experts. They must have at least six years of professional experience before they can conclude their training, which all our auditors completed with international auditing companies. Our auditors significantly exceed these minimum requirements.